SmartHeat SLT Heaters | CDS

SmartHeat SLT Heaters

SmartHeat SLT Thin-Film Heaters

Minco’s SmartHeat SLT (Self-Limiting Technology) line of heaters offers an efficient alternative to traditional heaters and temperature control devices, providing consistent thermal outcomes and self-tuning in dynamic environments. Utilizing a patented polymer compound, SmartHeat SLT heaters pinpoint exactly when and where heat is required for thermal uniformity without the need for external control.


  • SmartHeat SLT heaters prevent thermal runaways and overtemp conditions
  • Patented innerlay polymer self-tunes to load changes to ensure temperature uniformity
  • Inherent control reduces or eliminates the need for external regulating electronics
  • Thin, lightweight construction provides heat application where it’s needed
  • Heat, sense, and control in a single package reduces total system cost

Typical applications:

  • Medical diagnostic analyzers
  • Warming Lithium-ion batteries in aerospace or defense applications
  • De-icing sensors, wings, flaps, and potable water in aircraft
  • Protects defense electronics in cold operating conditions
  • Maintains constant temperature in medical reagent storage
  • Heats and controls fluid in humidification applications

Minco’s SmartHeat SLT heaters strive to maintain a constant temperature. They will produce high power when attached to a cold object and will rapidly heat that object within a prescribed control temperature range. The exact control temperature is determined by the heater design and thermal loading, including factors such as heatsink type, contact method, and environment temperature.

SmartHeat SLT heaters may be used over a wide range of voltages, enabling setup flexibility and ensuring system protection from power supply variation. The desired set point is maintained without the need for controlling electronics. In addition to providing consistent set point control for an object, each SmartHeat SLT heater is protected by a designed safety temperature. This self-limiting behavior acts at every point along the surface of the heater, eliminating the risk of overheating in the event of delamination, poor contact, or environmental variations.

Listed control temperatures and safety temperatures are valid for applications with low thermal loading, at the prescribed nominal voltage setting. Applications with high thermal loading or unique environments should be verified experimentally. Minco works with its customers through engineer-to-engineer (E2E) interactions to tailor custom solutions for challenging thermal problems. Contact Minco to get started.

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For more than 60 years, Minco has designed and manufactured heating, flex circuit, temperature sensing and instrumentation solutions for some of the world’s most demanding applications.


Address a specific design challenge or customize fully integrated solutions with Minco’s proven product lines.

Thermal performance for standard and custom use cases — from environment stabilization to faster thermal cycling.

Accurately sense and measure temperature, humidity and fluid levels across a wide range of applications.

Achieve new design freedom with flex circuit solutions that improve reliability in a condensed package size.

System-matched controllers complement Minco sensors and heaters to deliver improved system accuracy.

Leverage decades of engineering expertise to design integrated solutions that enhance performance and reduce cost.
Learn more about Minco’s approach to design innovation – and consider joining the team.